Studio Arc Photo Challenge
We love the results that Jordan Matter Photography achieves in his “10 Minute Photo Challenge” series. Jordan is a dancing photographer and amongst his professional works he chooses to rush around venues with a couple of dancers, his camera, a film crew, and somebody with a stop watch counting down the 10 minute limit. The results are incredible.
We decided that to celebrate the end of solo season, we would grab our unsuspecting soloists and perform our own Photo Challenge around the streets of Ballarat. To be realistic, we stretched out our time limit to 2 hours. This allowed us to travel to various locations around town. Even so, we could have done with much more time.
We had dancers posing in doorways, on benches, up trees, on window sills, across paving, in the gardens and on lamp poles. They had a great time. And so did the dads (Kane Silbereisen and Lindsay Brown) who were our photographers for the activity.
We love the results and hope to do it all again soon.
This is just some of the photo taken on the day.