Royal South Street Competitions – Ballet section
The Royal South Street Competitions ballet section is underway. Good luck to all our students performing in the ballet section of the Royal South Street Competitions. South Street is a well-known and prestigious eisteddfod, held mainly at the historical Her Majesty’s Theatre. It encompasses 14 theatrical disciplines of voice, music, and movements and showcases the talents of about…

Why do I need vitamin D?
I was a little disappointed this week to discover that although I was sitting in front of a window enjoying the warmth from the sun, I was getting no vitamin D benefits.

Tinies @ Barwon
Today, Studio Arc were proud to present their very first team of competitive Tinies. Our amazing little team of 10 girls dressed up in their brand new costumes for 4 items at the Barwon Calisthenics Competitions: Free Exercise Rods Character – Angelina Ballerina Song – Be a Clown Lots of fun happening backstage and lots of…

Core muscle strength
Core muscle strength is an important element in a lot of dancing moves. But also just for normal daily activities. Tracey le Roux, who has a background in peadiatric occupational therapy, says that without a stable core, children may find it difficult to sit still at a desk and to carry out fine motor tasks.

Sub Juniors @ CVI
Yesterday, our Sub Juniors performed in their first competition for the season. They boarded the earliest of our departing buses and headed for the Besen Centre in Burwood. This was a long competition and included all items. This competition clashed with our Juniors performing in Geelong, so our coaches were divided between the two venues.

Seniors @ Barwon
Last night our Seniors competed in their first competition for the season (and their first competition in division 6). There were 6 teams in this division: Studio Arc, Aurora, Larinda, Roxvale, Sterling and Wodonga. As usual, their Aesthetic item was just gorgeous. Their contemporary Revue item was really powerful, but of course contrasted greatly to the other…