CaliLogoCalisthenics may be categorised as both a sport and an art. As a sport it encourages physical development, coordination, self-discipline and team spirit. As an art it develops an appreciation of music and rhythm, the beauty of line and the excitement of presenting on stage.


Calisthenics combines the best aspects of sport and performing arts.

Calisthenics is uniquely Australian and promotes team work, self confidence and friendship. Team members develop an appreciation for music, dance, acting, strength, flexibility and performance skills. People of all ages enjoy this wonderful sport and thrive on the variety of challenges offered. [Calisthenics Victoria Inc]

Calisthenics offers just as much to participants off stage as it does on stage.

as published in ClubLink, March 2015.

Whilst classes, rehearsals and performances are the tangible elements of calisthenics, the intangible benefits that participants derive from the sport include confidence, discipline, strength teamwork and performance.

These attributes are at the heart of calisthenics and it is these benefits that CVI want to highlight and promote. With so many programs being created in schools and community to support young people to connect, CVI recognises that calisthenics provides young people with the skills and experiences to live their lives with strong connections, resilience and courage.

Often people will say ‘you can always notice the calisthenics participants in a group of young people. They are often the ones standing strong and tall, with confidence and poise.’